Designed for anything.
Freelance™ makes hard work look easy. It’s engineered to withstand the standards of high-demand, multipurpose spaces. You can customize the entire collection to fit an array of environments, while accommodating a wide range of sizes (and people) with the Super Duty Series models.
Fully upholstered, upholstered seat or plastic
1,000s of textiles or 9 plastic colors
2 frame/arm finish combinations: Black and Slate
Waterfall seat
Molded shroud underside
Wall-saver frame design
Optional book rack
Stacks 4 on floor, 6 on the optional cart
300 lb weight capacity for plastic & caster chairs; 400 lb for upholstered chairs; 500 lb for Heavy Duty, 600 lb and 1,000 lb for bariatric
Warranties: 10-year 24/7 for the HD and bariatric
All options and 1,000s of textiles ship in 2, 5 or 10 days
Designed for anything.
Freelance™ makes hard work look easy. It’s engineered to withstand the standards of high-demand, multipurpose spaces. You can customize the entire collection to fit an array of environments, while accommodating a wide range of sizes (and people) with the Super Duty Series models.
Fully upholstered, upholstered seat or plastic
1,000s of textiles or 9 plastic colors
2 frame/arm finish combinations: Black and Slate
Waterfall seat
Molded shroud underside
Wall-saver frame design
Optional book rack
Stacks 4 on floor, 6 on the optional cart
300 lb weight capacity for plastic & caster chairs; 400 lb for upholstered chairs; 500 lb for Heavy Duty, 600 lb and 1,000 lb for bariatric
Warranties: 10-year 24/7 for the HD and bariatric
All options and 1,000s of textiles ship in 2, 5 or 10 days
Designed for anything.
Freelance™ makes hard work look easy. It’s engineered to withstand the standards of high-demand, multipurpose spaces. You can customize the entire collection to fit an array of environments, while accommodating a wide range of sizes (and people) with the Super Duty Series models.
Fully upholstered, upholstered seat or plastic
1,000s of textiles or 9 plastic colors
2 frame/arm finish combinations: Black and Slate
Waterfall seat
Molded shroud underside
Wall-saver frame design
Optional book rack
Stacks 4 on floor, 6 on the optional cart
300 lb weight capacity for plastic & caster chairs; 400 lb for upholstered chairs; 500 lb for Heavy Duty, 600 lb and 1,000 lb for bariatric
Warranties: 10-year 24/7 for the HD and bariatric
All options and 1,000s of textiles ship in 2, 5 or 10 days